Wrinkly Balls.

Have we talked about the Vox Tone Bender before?  No, not any of the Sola Sound Tone Benders.  And no, not any of the Colorsound Tone Benders.  I’m talking about the VOX one.  It appears that in the mid/late sixties about everyone was using that name, and a lot of them had distinct variations….some more noticeable than others.  The Vox Tone Bender is drastically different than other benders.  Its essentially a spin on the often rehashed Fuzz Face, but the particular blend of tweaks used turned this guy from commonplace rager into liquid gold beams of brown sunshine.  Its saturated and soupy.  Its a crockpot full of meat and potatoes stew.  Its a volcano with Schlitz.  Its just goddamned perfect.  The originals were built with germanium transistors, but for ease and reliability this one was built with silicon per the customer’s request.  Honestly this is one germanium fuzz box that translates particularly well to silicon parts.  Finished with a particularly wrinkly gold and black hammertone.  Get it on, fuzzbox.