Chill Fraxton!!! Thats about 18 inside-jokes-deep so I wont get into it, but holy shit. Alright then… this here is a clone of the legendary Octavia octave fuzz pedal. The story behind it is that the original was designed by Roger Mayer for Hendrix, and at some point engineers at Tycobrahe got ahold of the original unit and cloned it and sold it as the Tycobrahe Octavia. Its likely a bogus story, but regardless Tycobrahe manufactured *this* version of the Octavia in the 70s, and it is king shit of fuck mountain.
So its an octave/fuzz, which, by the old parlance means a fuzz that gets certain octave overtones, especially as you go higher up on the neck. The fuzz itself is not smooth like a big muff or the like. Its more raunchy and gated sounding. Chords can get really wild sounding, accentuated by the octave effect that happens. Notes shine and sustain well and just sound really big and full.. One nice thing is that the aforementioned gating of the sound works well to hush out any background noise when you arent playing. So it goes from quiet to complete destruction in an instant. A totally amazing fuzz, if you ask me. I’m still messing with it, but this one just might replace the two fuzzes in my personal rig.