
Ahhh….finally some fresh builds.  This one was built for Doug of the great, slow, huge, earth-moving, fuzz-blast machine, Bad Dream.  I’m sure that Doug has a last name, but I dont know what is is.  In my phone his name is saved as “Douglass Von Shreddingham” so lets just go with that.

Doug was looking for something to replace his Big Muff.  Not that there’s anything wrong with Big Muff, but you know sometimes you just want to expand outward into similar but different territory.  I suggested the Foxx Tone Machine and that was that.  Doug wanted to go with the classic layout so I did.  All of the knobs, jacks, and the octave switch are on the side, with the bypass on top.  This unit is 100% true to the original with some modern touches like true-bypass switching, an LED indicator, and optional AC power jack.  This circuit absolutely SMOKES.  Doug loved it through his rig (a cranked plexi or two) and said “its so clear and fuzzy”.  Seems like an oxymoron but whatever…..fuzz forth!