Pass the dutchie.

This pedal is for the incomparably cool Mark Twistworthy.  Mark runs one of my favorite blogs called Texas Punk Treasure Chest (although he’s slacking on the El Flaco posts) and is also in a few extremely kickass bands like The No No No Hopes and Come and Take It.  Mark also was a clerk at my local record store when I was a teenager and has a great mix-up story about selling a kid a copy of Youth of Today’s “Break Down the Walls”, when the kid was actually looking for Musical Youth’s album “Youth of Today”. Pass the dutchie, Cappo.

Ahhhh anyway…so Mark was looking for something to dirty up his bass sound.  After some discussion we determined he was after a fuzz box, and I knew it just had to be the basic fuzz.  The origins of that circuit are the great Bazz Fuss which was supposed to a fuzz FOR bass, although it kills with guitar as well.  So there you go….simple….easy….fuzzzz.