When the swizz dongles.

Listen….there’s this dude named Kelly Doyle.  He did all of the sound clips for me of the production Balls units.  He also happens to be a hot lava shit storm of shredding.  I have openly wept watching the man play.  Dude is good.  But the point to all that is that when he asks you to make something, you do it.

Enter the BUS DRIVER, Kelly’s all-in-one overdrive unit.  I dont even like overdrives, let alone three drivers in one box, but hey to each their own.  This giant gold brick contains three of the man’s favorites.  Starting from the right we have a bog standard Klon Centaur clone.  Following that in the middle is a booster styled after the preamp from the old echo-plex tape echo.  People used to use that circuit to drive their amps even when they had no intention of adding the echo effect.  This is a nod to that spirit.  And then finally on the right we have an atypical tube screamer type of circuit.  This one has been tweaked in a couple of ways.  Namely it retains much more bass than a normal screamer, clips and compresses less, and has a wet/dry blend control to dial in the most faint amounts of drive.

And here’s the man himself killing it at the 3:36 mark:
